
Everything you need in a neat package.

Service Packages


Architectural Design

  • Socially responsible design workshopping
  • Creating the design
  • Site Inspections
  • Preparing Tender and construction drawings
  • Prepare specifications for materials, quality and construction methods
  • Check Contractor’s submissions against the design intent
  • Inspect site to check the works against the design intent

Qualified Persons

  • Be familiar with and enforce regulatory requirements in the design and construction of a build
  • Obtain permits and clearances from relevant authorities
  • Monitor contractor’s compliance with statutory requirements
  • Inspect site to check that the works are carried out in accordance with Approved Plans
  • Obtain occupancy permits and statutory completion certificates

Contract Administration

  • Advise on appropriate procurement methods
  • Advise on selection of form of building contract
  • Compile Tender Documents and conduct tender process
  • Carry out building contract compilation, awarding and administration
  • Inspect site to check that the works are carried out in accordance with the building contract
  • Address defects and minor outstanding works, if any
  • Work with the QS to conclude the Final Account and building contract

Project Administration

  • Facilitate project budget and timeline
  • Track the design process
  • Assist Client in appointment of consultant team
  • Coordinate and manage communication among the project team and other relevant parties
  • Review QS’s Cost Estimate against the Project Budget.
  • Monitor progress against the Project Programme

Additional Services

Interior Design

Interior Architectural Design

Strategic Design

Project Management

Other Services

Building Advisory Services

Feasibility Studies

Due Diligence Studies

Master Planning

Playscape Concepts

Specification Writing

Specialist Services

Expert Witness

Design-For-Safety Professional

Registered Inspector

Expert Determinator