Years of Service
Meet VivATA’s Leadership

Darren Benger

Freya Peng
Our Philosophy
To Provide Comprehensive Services to the Highest Degree,
Incorporating Inclusivity, Sustainability and Conducivity in Every Project
to Reflect the Values of Our Company, Our Clients and the Broader Society.

The diversity of races, ages, religions, genders and levels of ability in society is an important influence in our designs. From disabled-accessible facilities and infrastructure, to elderly friendly walkways, nursing rooms and prayer rooms, we seek to integrate the specific needs of people into each design for an inclusive development.

In addition to Green Mark standards and sustainability requirements, we strive to incorporate sustainable design principles into every project we undertake. Driven by the urgent need to address the planetary boundaries, global social challenges, and the looming energy crisis, our design philosophy seeks to promote sustainability through a blend of facilitating responsible lifestyles and embracing advancements in sustainable technologies.

The adage of “form follows function” understates the importance of design of built environments to be conducive to their intended purpose. Through our focussed design process, we break down the design to its fundamentals – the functionality, meaning, mood and experience that draws people to the space and inspires them in what they do.